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Maximizing Your Charter Bus Website

How to Maximize your Charter Bus Website – presentation notes from the UMA Expo Seminar in San Francisco

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Strategic Partnership is Arranged Between UMA

The United Motorcoach Association and BusRates.com have announced a strategic partnership that will allow UMA operator members to join BusRates.com at reduced rates.

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Coach Operator Recounts Experiences with Bus Brokers

Coach Operator Recounts Experiences with Bus Brokers by Dean Golden, Operations Manager at West Valley Charter Lines in Campbell, Calif.

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School Transportation News January 2007

BusRates.com, a consumer advocate directory and guide with more than 450 member companies nationwide, reports that 10.7 percent of its approximately 57,000 Web site visitors each month are searching specifically for school bus providers, but there is a shortage of school bus companies.

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Operators Seek Ways to Cope with Brokers

While executives at some coach companies say they’ve had good experiences with selected brokers, many others complain of a wide range of problems.

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Bus Brokers: Parasites or Expanding Business?

Bus brokers are changing the way people book motorcoach charters, but their practices are causing many operators to re-think the way they do business with them.

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School Transportation News January 2005

A new web site provides up-to-date listings to private school bus charter companies and includes tips to customers on choosing carriers.

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Press Release: BusRates.com Launched

BusRates.com, the most complete and categorized online directory of over 4,300 charter bus companies located throughout the U.S. and Canada, was launched in pilot phase in November 2004.

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